Some of Our Favorite Book Recommendations to Support Your Journey

Written by: Gabriela Olguin-Flores, RD

We’ve compiled a list of book recommendations to aid those who wish to get introspective about their relationship with food, body, and self especially through learning from other perspectives that could be both familiar and different. For your convenience, we have links to each of the books via BookShop. You’ll notice we did not list Intuitive Eating by Elyse Resch and Evelyn Tribole, however this list was curated in mind for those wishing to dig in deeper in the unlearning process. As of January 2024, you can find the 4th edition of Intuitive Eating, which many of these books reference while others dig into body liberation work.

If interviews catch your interest more than books, many of these authors have their own podcasts or have been guests on podcasts which may be more enjoyable for your learning preferences.


Let us know what other books you’ve been reading lately or ones that you’d add to the list!


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